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Tiny Taste Adventures

Learning about the division of responsibility

Struggling with trying to figure out what to feed your kid? I might have a solution for you. 

As a dietitian, I think of food as more than fuel for the day. I value food for the community it brings. What does food mean to you? 

I find that we often celebrate around food, bond over food and share food. Food plays so many roles in our lives, and it can be a challenging task to figure out how to teach our children about food. Let’s dive into some ways to help change our conversations about food with our children.


Where do we start learning about the Division Of Responsibility?

You may have heard of a model called “the division of responsibility”. The concept was created by a nutrition and feeding expert Ellyn Satter who was a key leader in teaching us about childhood nutrition and eating. The division of responsibility refers to what the parents and children are each responsible for when it comes to feeding. It also suggests that with support, a healthy eating environment and some guidance, children will be able to build healthy relationships around various foods and ingredients. It’s not something that happens overnight, though. Just like any habit, it is one that times time and attention and consistency which can be difficult. Let’s take a look at an overview of what the division of responsibility involves, and how you can get started in implementing it with your children. 

Your responsibility as parents is to select a variety of foods, prepare different foods, and serve them at appropriate times. Simply put, we decide what, when, and where to offer the food. Our children decide if they’re hungry and whether they’re going to eat everything that’s served, or just a part of it.

You may find it hard to give up some of the control of what your child is eating. Will they eat enough and will they get enough nutrients if they don’t want the veggies two dinners in a row (the horror!). Here’s the good news: our bodies have an incredible way of talking to us. All we have to do is have patience, and learn how to listen.

Who’s job is it?
  • Your job is to offer nutritious food choices at meals and snack times. You decide the what, where, and when of eating.
  • Your child’s job is to choose how much he or she will eat of the foods you serve. Your child decides how much or even whether to eat.
What’s next?

We also host group cooking classes and events at EFry Health Center, and we usually discuss topics such as eating together, nutrition for children and families, and the division of responsibility, so if you’d like more support on this tool or how to incorporate it into your family, please reach out and become a client or book an appointment with us today. 

Phone:  (604)282-3944

Fax:        1-888-705-3423

 Email: [email protected]

Address:  #101 9683 137th Street, Surrey BC, Canada V3T 4G8


BC, H. L. (2024, Aug 26). Feeding Your Child Using Division of Responsibility. Retrieved from Healthlink BC:

Satter, E. (2024, Aug 26). Raise a healthy child who is a joy to feed . Retrieved from Ellyn Satter institute:

Pexels. (n.d.). Dad daughter holding hands parent. Pixabay.

If you want to increase your own nutrition, while working with your children to increase their nutrition, check out our other blogs: 

  1. Meal Prep Magic: Meal prepping 101 
  2. How to improve your nutrient intakes


Written by 

Carla Centola, RD

Registered Dietitian 

[email protected]